Thursday, May 8, 2014

The first week

It has been a week today that three little girls walked through our door and into our heart. A is 5, B is 4, and I is 2. The first couple of days I was so overwhelmed I was going to ask for a new home to be found. What was I thinking saying yes to three? It wasn't indicative of their behaviors, it was that I was ill equipt to take them. 

Once we got a bunk bed in place and a sticker chart for morning and evening routines in place life began to look livable again. The massive amount of appointments needed still overwhelms me but we are getting there. They are a part of a larger sibbling group so we arrange visits with them. Parent visits are a nonissue so I think life will will be smoother after this first month. 

Clothes were a huge problem. My girls had been at another home for a week so they had clothes already. The problem is that they range from a 18months to a 6x and all the initials on the tags are wrong. The two and four year can share a 5t shirt so we have got it under control for now. 


  1. So glad it's all going good now. =) Can't wait to meet them!

    1. They are really good girls. I'm sure they will have a blast playing with the kiddos.

  2. Replies
    1. I wouldn't say exceptional LOL. I am past the barely hanging on stage though LOL
