Monday, February 17, 2014

Our First Placement

It’s been a little crazy so I haven’t gotten a chance to update everyone in a while. So we are officially licensed to do Respite care. Although I specifically asked if that meant we would be used for emergency placements and was told no, it proved not to be the case. Within hours of being told that we were on approved and were on the respite list we received a phone call to take an emergency placement of a 2 and 3 year old. As much as it hurt my heart to say no, we were unable to miss work and there was no childcare in place.

About a week later I received a call on my way to work. I didn’t hear it ring so as I listened to the voicemail my heart started beating a bit faster. I called my husband and he was onboard so I called the social worker back. She could have told me that he had 3 arms and juggled knives and my mind would have not been changed. He needed us and we were ready to take him.

It was a third grade boy who was about to transition back home. We were told his foster parents closed the case on him because he didn’t like doing homework. I think maybe they had just fell in love with this little guy and needed to separate from him knowing he was going home. They picked us because we were pretty close to his school and they wanted him to get to continue there.

I was to pick him up after work that same day. After I got off the phone with the case worker I realized how little I knew about how all of this really works and how little information I received about him. I emailed her a few follow up questions after scouring the internet for questions I should have asked. The only one that I really am glad I found was “What is his understanding of why he is in foster care?” I obviously won’t get into specifics to protect his privacy but I think knowing what happened isn’t as important as learning what the child perceived to happed. I picked him up at a group facility and the workers filled me in more about him. He stayed with us a week until his court date and was returned home.

I learned a lot from this little guy. He was really the perfect first placement. He was a well behaved kid who loved God. He was a joy to have over. I also learned that Respite isn’t always what it is said to be. We were in fact his foster parents for a week. The loophole of us having a Respite licensed allowed for this short term placement. We began our foster care licensing classes the day the court ordered him back home. It was also the day after my husband was able to officially adopt Jessi. Although it was a crazy week full of big court decisions for my kids I feel like the judges made the right decisions.