Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Room

The day is soon approaching that we will be licensed and open for placements. We have completed our 27 hours of training, had three home study visits and have had a handful of Respite placements. I highly suggest doing Respite if you are considering adopting or fostering. One thing it taught us was that we want no more than two but would enjoy up to the age of 5. May 7th is rapidly approaching so now the question..."how do I set up a room for the unknown?"

Well if you are looking to me for an answer, I am sorry I have no idea, but I will tell you what I have done so far. Jessi decided to move to the bigger room downstairs and use the full size bed. That left me with a twin bed and the crib I purchased. My parents were kind enough to get the bedding for the crib and I just loved how friendly it was. (Plus gender neutral) 

Walmart rocks

So with bedding in hand I scoured the web for fun ideas and found the tissue puffs to fit the budget and cuteness factor. Here is my start of that project. 
Still need to add more.

I decided I loved the alphabet theme with the almost Dr Seuss 
feeling whimsy. I cannot tell you how long I searched for bedding to match. The problem is that most parents know their child's gender prior to moving them to a twin size bed so it is extremely limited. In the mean time I just used Jessi's bedding since she wasn't using it. 

Wouldn't you know that I had two boys during the short time and had to put a brown blanket over it.

So I finally found bedding that somewhat coordinated with my crib set. It wasn't exactly what I had in mind but the colors and animals matched so close and it was gender neutral so I bought it. Then I decided to take the plunge and paint the room bright green. I really wanted an inviting playful room.

Now all that is left is the wall art. I think above the twin bed I am going to do a modified version of this alphabet wall.

(Source unknown)

I also think I'll put a cork board to display their artwork. That is pretty much it for now. There are a million things I would love to get but it will come with time.

The funny thing is today when I was painting I started thinking about all that I wanted/needed for the room. I feel like a mom that is due in a matter of a couple weeks but this route is not as celebrated as pregnancy. Of course my family has been ultra supportive but to the rest of the world there is no celebration. Our gender reveal party is reduced to a call from a social worker asking if we will take a placement. There will be no work showers and likely no meals brought over for the first days. Decorating this nursery will likely be the closest I will come to most expectant moms.

As easy as it was to start to feel sorry for myself I didn't. Instead I was washed over by the joy of The Lord. I literally could not stop myself from crying as I finished painting. Here I am four years to the month of infertility and I am setting up a room for two blessings on their way. I don't need a parade, I don't even need someone to make me dinner. My God is always faithful and I am not letting the devil steal my happiness. 

Update: placed with 3 so bunk beds became a must

Toddler bed 

Kitchen set and toy box 

New bunk bed


  1. Love the room! You did a great job on it! Its evident a lot of love went into decorating it. :) We are excited for you guys and are praying that in His time, God brings another ray of sunshine into your life for you to love.

  2. Ashley, your room is beautiful, just like you. I just want ti say, you touched my heart deeply. I couldn't hold back the tears. This child, who ever it is, will be so lucky to have parents like you. God bless you both, love you guys like you were my own kids. I know God has his hand on this family.

    1. Thanks guys! We got a call today so it may be as soon as tomorrow that we have a placement. I appreciate your prayers and support.

  3. The joy of the Lord is your strength and in His presence is fullness of joy and we enter His gates with thanksgiving and we enter His courts with praise... Don't ever let the devil steal your joy. The devil came to steal, kill, & destroy, but Jesus came to give life & life more abundant... Praying that God will help you to share Jesus and His love and life and joy and peace and hope and all His blessings and promises with each one He brings your way. Love & Prayers in Christ...<><
