Thursday, August 8, 2013

Breastfeeding revisted

So recently my husband told me I should start a blog about our infertility journey. He thought it would be therapeutic for me and help other women. I agree but that isn’t what I want to talk about today that will all be discussed soon enough. Today breastfeeding is what is on my mind thanks to a Facebook friend’s recent posts. Yes I realize I am putting the cart before the horse LOL.

A relative by marriage recently posted a few professional pictures of herself breastfeeding her son and someone tried to report it as offensive. It really got me to thinking as to where do I stand on the issue. As her friends rallied around her in support, a picture of seemingly drunken 20 year olds in their string bikinis was posted next to a breastfeeding mother questioning why the 20 year olds weren’t offense but the mother was. Immediately my reaction was that I really would rather not see either, so I guess that gave me my first clue as to my stance on the topic. I think you can be modest and still effectively nurse your baby.

I started questioning myself deeper on the issue to have a clear set of personal guidelines for when God blesses me with a baby. Which by the way I plan on breastfeeding if at all possible, my daughter had an undiagnosed tied tongue and I was unable to with her. I certainly don’t think a mother should be shamed into a public restroom to feed her child but where is the line? I remember our former youth pastor’s wife, who could discreetly feed her baby anywhere. She knew what to wear when she was away from home that would easily allow her to breastfeed and all the while you would just think the baby was sleeping snuggled up to her mother. My sister was also breastfeeding at the time and she let me know that I would never be able to do that. God gave my sister and me a double portion in that department and she told me my arms aren’t long enough LOL. So again I am left trying to figure out what is right for me.

I guess the thought of exposing that much skin in public is just far beyond my comfort zone and for my even more modest pastor of a husband would be devastating. I feel that my child has a right to eat anywhere, however I also feel accountable for what images of myself that I allow to float in someone else’s head. Yes I agree that men are accountable for their thoughts but I also believe that a woman has a responsibility in that when she exposes parts of her body whether it is wearing skimpy clothing or feeding her child and exposing more than necessary to get the job done. So I guess that is pretty much it for me, I’ll be a blanket nurser. Let the stoning begin……


  1. I agree! I was a blanket nurser too...but then, like you and Tracy, I was extra "blessed." lol

  2. I, too, was "blessed" in 'that' department. I really don't understand how some think it is a blessing, but that's another blog on another day. Anyway, I never felt comfortable with nursing in public, with or without a blanket. I tried a few times and I was so nerve-y I went elsewhere for privacy. I had a cover I made before Henley arrived. It's adorable and would serve a purpose but I found myself MORE comfortable sitting in bathroom stall (yuck, I know) or in my car (yes, Oklahoma heat sucks). I'll make a nursing cover for you when God finds His perfect timing for you and your baby. Hopefully you will be more comfortable than I was and find a use for it.

  3. Ha ha. Hopefully I can find a way to do it but I have dark windows if not lol
