Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Quiet Again

This past Thursday our girls moved out and life went back to our normal. We had about a day and a half notice that the move was taking place that particular day. Apparently at court that morning they figured out that when the tribe signed the paperwork on May 27th the kids were no longer in our states custody. That means they had to go fast because services, such as foster care, ended on that day. (June 10th)

The girls were very excited to get to go live with their brothers and sisters again. I could tell it was bittersweet for them but we shared in their excitement and tried to put a positive spin on it. Now we will have to see how long it will take the tribe to reimburse the state so we get our stipend for the month of June. I'm not holding my breath on that one.

I guess the big question is where do we go from here. What is the next step? I guess for every foster parent the answer is a bit different. Our plan has always been to take a couple of weeks off and give our family some time before opening up to another set of kids.

We are currently in the middle of our adoption classes. They will be complete this Saturday. We are very hopeful about being chosen as an adoptive placement for a particular set of siblings and will not accept any placements until we see how God works that particular situation out. If we have kids in our house then we will not be able to accept adoptive placements. Our license is for 3 kiddos adoptive or foster at one time. I guess from here we prepare for what God opens to us next. I have been washing car seat covers, bedding, shampooing carpets and have a whole list of things that I want to get done before more littles move in.

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